Organizations and Programs
- Dementia Society of America dementiasociety.org
- Alzheimer’s Association alz.org
- Eldercare Locater www.eldercare.acl.gov or (800) 677-1116 A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families.
- The Friendship Line (800) 971-0016 National 24-hour support for lonely, isolated, depressed, frail and/or suicidal seniors.
- Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired www.hadley.edu or (800) 323-4238 Hadley Institute promotes independent living through lifelong, distance education programs (online courses) for individuals who are blind or visually impaired, their families, and blindness service providers.
- VisionAware www.visionaware.org VisionAware is an easy to use, informational website for adults with vision loss, their families, friends, and the providers who serve them. VisionAware offers practical information about living with vision loss, support groups, eye conditions, and services available throughout the country.
- The National Library Service (NLS) is a free library service available to U.S. residents and citizens living abroad whose low vision, blindness, or physical disability makes it difficult to read regular print. Local cooperating libraries throughout the United States mail NLS talking books, magazines, and playback equipment directly to enrollees at no cost. Braille books and magazines are also available at no cost. Braille and talking books and magazines also may be downloaded from the Internet through the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service. Call 1-888-657-7323 or visit https://www.nlstalkingbooks.org/talkingbooksform/
- Memory Cafe (Alzheimer’s support group in Sterling, VA)
- Well Connected is a free phone and online program offering activities, education, friendly conversation, and an assortment of classes and support groups to older adults ages 60 and above that are accessible from the comfort of home. Well Connected participants can play a game, learn a language, write a poem, go on a virtual tour, meditate, share a gratitude, get support, and most importantly, connect and engage with others every day across the country. All groups are accessible by phone and many are accessible online. Formerly known as Senior Center Without Walls, Well Connected is a Community Service of Covia and is free of charge to all participants.
- Do you know that seniors can take college classes for free or reduced cost in many states? Here’s a link to some in Virginia: https://www.consortium.org/programs-for-senior-citizens
- Careblazers TV – super useful information on caring for someone with dementia. Dr. Natali Edmonds, a board certified geropsychologist, provides weekly videos on dementia tips, resources, suggestions, and information. Consider subscribing to make sure you get your weekly updates on how to handle difficult dementia behaviors, where to find helpful products for dementia safety, how to manage caregiver stress, and talk about the latest in dementia treatment breakthroughs and research.
- Dementia Unplugged (webcast featuring Education and Conversation) Starting January, 2019 Jeannine Forrest, Ph.D., R.N. of Through the Forrest, LLC will facilitate and lead a live webcast twice-monthly for care-partners impacted by Dementia from early stage through end-of-life. Every month a new Dementia-related topic will be presented with the intention to inform & provide practical guidance. Click here to sign up for reminders through the Dementia Society of America.